Celebrity’s Life Cut Short By A Fan

Selena Quintanilla started her career as a music artist in the 80’s by producing Tejano music.

selena quintanilla에 대한 이미지 검색결과

Selena had many successes in her career as a singer. Selena won  “Best Female Vocalist of the Year” and  “Performer of the Year” from Tejano Music Awards and a Grammy Award.

Selena was hoping to release an English language album that would also become another success, but she didn’t live long enough to do so because of a fan.

Yolanda Saldivar was well known as the biggest fan of Selena. Due to Yolanda being the biggest fan of Selena, Selena made Yolanda to be part of her life by making Yolanda work for her. However, Yolanda couldn’t manage the work assigned to her properly so Selena decided to fire her.

Yolanda was not happy with this news; therefore, she decided to end Selena’s life. On March 31, 1995, Yolanda shot Selena a couple of times causing Selena to pass away.

Yolanda have been sentenced to life in prison for her action. She must serve for at least 30 years before being eligible for parole.

SpongeBob SquarePants Suicide Message

In one of the episode of SpongeBob SquarePants, it time travels to the Middle Ages. There we can observe a guard trying to end his life but decides not to at the end.

There was also an episode where Plankton gets mentally tormented by Mr. Krabs for a week. Plankton decides that he can’t no longer take the torment and tries to commit suicide by laying down on the road.

The Christmas Beast

Although it isn’t Christmas season, I have decided to talk about the Christmas beast, Krampus.

Krampus Card

According to the legend, Krampus would have the appearance of a beast. Krampus would search for naughty children during Christmas season and take them to the underworld. Before Krampus takes them to the underworld, Krampus would give them beatings with a whip. This legend seems to be more known in the European areas.

Finding Nemo Conspiracy Theory

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The theory states that Nemo never actually existed. If you translate Nemo into Latin, it means “nobody”. Marlin created Nemo to compenstate over the loss of his family because he thought the loss of his family was his fault.

The turtles in the movie tells Marlin that he doesn’t have control over everything in his life and that he shouldn’t worry. Dory indirectly tells to let go of the pains in the past since the loss of his family wasn’t his fault.

When Nemo goes to school at the end, it represents that Marlin managed to come terms with his loss.

3 Royal Family Conspiracy Theories

  1. The Royal Family are members of Illuminati. A conspiracy theorist, David Icke, proposed the idea of the royal family being members of the Illuminati and that’s how they maintain their power.
Image result for whole royal family

2. Queen Elizabeth I was a man. The theory goes that Queen Elizabeth I passed away when she was young and was replaced with an imposter, who’s gender was a boy.

Image result for queen elizabeth 1

3. The Queen has the ability to change into a alien reptile. David Icke has an Illuminati theory that suggest the royal family are the descends of humans who were mated with alien-reptile creatures.

Image result for the queen

Airpods Conspiracy Theory

There’s a conspiracy theory about airpods. Airpods had been around since 2016 but why did people start buying airpods recently?
Image result for airpods

Some people think that Apple’s team paid one of the meme accounts to make airpods turn viral. According to the theory, that’s why more people are buying airpods now and is well known.

Snow White Conspiracy Theory

The Snow White Conspiracy theory is that Snow White is a story about cocaine. We know that Snow white is named Snow White because she’s really pale; however, people that believe in this conspiracy theory thinks Snow White is named because of cocaine. Cocaine is usually referred to as snow.

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Picture of Snow White

In the story, there were seven dwarfs.

Image result for the seven dwarfs

People think the dwarfs are the symptoms of cocaine usage. People think happy is the feeling of using drugs, sneezy is because you snort cocaine, bashful because cocaine can make you anxious, grumpy because it can make you grumpy, dopy is when you are dopey after the usage of cocaine, sleepy because it can make you sleepy, and doc because it represents the word “doctor” and that at the end you would need a doctor if you get addicted to cocaine.

I think I believe that Snow White is a story about cocaine usage. How about you? What do you think?

The Little Mermaid Conspiracy Theory

In The Little Mermaid, King Triton has seven daughters: Aquata, Andrina, Arista, Attina, Adella, Alana, and Ariel.

The Little Mermaid conspiracy theory is that the seven sisters were named after seven different seas.

Aquata was named after the Coral Sea because she has a shy personality.

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Picture of Aquata

Andrina was named after the Caribbean Sea because she has a care-free personality.

Image result for andrina mermaid
Picture of Andrina

Arista was named after the White Sea because of her hair color.

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Picture of Arista

Attina was named after the Bering Sea because the Bering Sea is largest sea and she was the oldest.

Image result for attina mermaid
Picture of Attina

Adella was named after the Mediterranean Sea because her personality is bubbly and romantic.

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Picture of Adella

Alana was named after the Black Sea because of her hair color.

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Picture of Alana

Ariel was named after the Red Sea because of her hair color.

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Picture of Ariel

Do you think the movie creators named the sister after seven different seas?

Anastasia Romanov

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The start of the 1900s the Russian royal family, the Romanov, had ruled on the Russian throne for 300 years.

On June 18, 1901, the Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov was born to Nicholas the second and Alexandra Feodorovna . Anastasia had four siblings: Olga Romanov, Tatiana Romanov, Maria Romanov, and Alexei Romanov.

Near the end of WWI, Russia was suffering from a depression. People were starving, losing their jobs and houses. People didn’t agree with the way the Romanov have been ruling things; therefore, it led people wanting a change to occur.

In November 1917, the Bolshevik Revolution began because the government was overthrown. The Bolshevik Revolution caused the rise of the Soviet Union. In the process of taking over, they kidnapped the Romanov family. The family were being moved around in different hiding spots for a while because the people working for the new establishment didn’t know what to do with them. They were wondering whether they should kill them or not; however, they promised the family would be kept alive.

At the end, they decided they couldn’t completely take over the government and start over unless they killed the Romanov family. Then, they murdered the family to ensure that they wouldn’t be able to get back to the throne. The family was brought into a room and then a firing squad shot them.

After being murdered Rudolph, who was working for the new establishment, was ordered to transport all the bodies of the family somewhere else. When he was driving, his truck got stuck in the mud and he went out to help it get unstuck. During this time, he heard rustling noise at the back of the truck and found out that the rustling noise was made from Anastasia. Apparently, she was still alive and Rudolph helped her escape. This statement was not confirmed to be true, so it created many Anastasia imposters.

In 1991, people were re-interested in the search and people started to search the bodies of the Romanov. People wanted to give the family a proper burial. The bodies of Nicholas the second, Alexandra, Olga, Tatiana, and Maria were found and identified using DNA. Later on, the bodies of Anastasia and Alexei were found in Serbia in 2007. The bodies of Anastasia and Alexei were also identified by scientists using DNA.

The Dark Web

The internet is divided into three categories.

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However, I’m going to be talking about the dark web.

The dark web is a subsection of the deep web that can be accessed by using special browsers and is purposefully hidden from regular web browsers. It is originally being funded by the U.S. military researchers to allow spies and intelligence agencies to send and receive messages anonymously, but now there are people that goes on the dark web to do illegal things. The identities and locations of dark web users are going to be anonymous.

What happens in the dark web?

People sell and buy drugs that are illegal, sell and buy exotic animals, hire hitmen, watch live streams of people getting tortured and murdered, access to illegal pornography, and etc.

Although there are safe ways to access the dark web, it’s better for you to stay away from the dark web.